Monday, July 6, 2009

Beauty Bank

If you're anything like me, you'd blow your entire paycheck at Sephora to get your hands on the hottest new beauty products -- the ones that are more technologically advanced than anything NASA could come up with, that tempt you from the carefully edited pages of Allure, that promise to transform everything from your face to your finances.

If you're anything like me, you probably also have a closet full of barely used products. A stash of beautifully packaged, scientifically proven face creams and lipsticks and shampoos that, for a brief moment in time, you absolutely could not live without.

But, if you're anything like me, you also have that drawer (or makeup case, or vanity) that holds the few things that always stand the test of time: the foundation that leaves you glowing, even when you've barely slept the night before; the lipstick that, somehow, makes your lips fuller, your teeth whiter, and your nose that smidgen smaller you always hoped it would be; the perfume that takes you back to that perfect first kiss the summer after seventh grade.

There's nothing that thrills you more than peeling away the slick, shiny packaging of a new mascara -- except maybe that first, magical moment when you brush it across your lashes for the very first time and catch a glimpse in the mirror of the girl you always aspired to be.

If you're anything like me, you live for the promise of a new beauty product and the hope and promise and awe it contains. So what can't I live without? Wouldn't you like to know...

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